Thinking about “City of God” – the oh-so-amazing Brazilian crime film released about a decade ago – set me thinking about the power of photos but more importantly about people’s base reactions when placed in front of a camera.
Have you ever been in a night club where someone was going around taking photos of the crowd? With the exception of some shady individual who is probably there without the knowledge of their better half, the minute someone sees a camera they start grouping up friends to pose for a photo. Everyone joins willingly. In certain cases they might even stop the photographer to make them take photos of the group, even if they don’t know them and have no idea of how they will get the photos from them.
Try this out in a place where everyone is sober and the scenario changes completely. Most people freak out when you point a camera at them without context (some freak out even if you know them and ask politely!).
I’m not really sure where this is going, however could it be that deep down everyone wants to be seen, however without alcohol (or peer pressure) to lubricate the situation most people feel too shy to be seen in a photo. Is it simply a question of self confidence (along the lines of approaching someone from the opposite sex more easily if facilitated by alcohol)?